What is Elder Sexual Abuse
Elder sexual abuse refers to any unwanted sexual contact with an older adult.
- Unwanted touching or other sexual activity. Masturbating in front of an older person.
- Making suggestive verbal sexual advances that are unwanted or unwelcome
- Sexual activity with an older adult who does not expressly consent or who does not have the capacity to consent.
Vulnerable Population is Targeted
Many victims can have dementia or other conditions that render them vulnerable. They are unable to communicate that they have been sexually assaulted. This may be a reason they are targeted in the first place.
The Harm
Physical and Emotional Injuries
Victims of elder sexual abuse can sustain physical and emotional injuries just like younger victims. These include anxiety, depression, sexually transmitted diseases, pelvic injuries, and more.
Trauma Can Lead to Decline in Function
Sexual assault in frail older people is probably more likely to causes physical and psychological trauma. It can also lead to a decline in function,and a decrease in overall well-being.
If you or someone you know are experiencing sexual assault below are resources for reporting or support.
SAVIS of Halton
Crisis & Support Line: 905 875 1555
Office: 905 825 3622
Seniors Safety Line: 1-866-299-1011