Education can make a difference in our goal to end all forms of violence. SAVIS currently offers different public education workshops to schools, community members and agencies in Halton. As part of our commitment to education, there is no cost associated with this service and each topic can be modified to suit the needs of the group. SAVIS offers the following free programs to the community:
Elementary School Programs (Kindergarten to Grade 8: Ontario Curriculum Based)
- Healthy/Good Friendships
- Anti-Bullying
- My Body Belongs to Me (My Body Belongs to Me)
- Healthy Relationships
- Flirting vs. Hurting (Sexual Harassment)
- Media, Gender, Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Relationships
High School Programs (Grades 9-12: Ontario Curriculum Based)
- Coping with Your Emotions
- Drawing the Line: Bystander Intervention for Sexual Violence
- Healthy Relationships & Dating Violence
- Internet Safety and Cyber Violence
- Under Pressure: Responding to Lies, Power Trips and Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Assault in Canadian Law & Society
- Media, Gender, Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Relationships
- Media, Violence and Relationships
- Relating To One Another: The Impact of Language
- Keeping Sex Safe and Healthy
- Understanding Oppression: Intersectionality & Social Change
Community Presentations
- Healthy Relationships
- Knowing Your Limits (Setting Boundaries)
- Self-Esteem
- Coping with Your Emotions
- Unpacking Your Emotional Knapsack
- Internet Safety & Cyber Violence
- Understanding Oppression
- Sexual Violence – Substance Use/Abuse
- Talking To Your Kids about Sex and Sexuality
- Protecting Children for Sexual Abuse
- Dealing with Bullying
Business Presentations
- Harassment-Free Workplace (Sexual Harassment)
- Dealing with Disclosures (for front line staff whose clients/customers reveal they are survivors of abuse)
*Any of the students topics are available as well as.
Each presentation uses a variety of learning methods including discussion, video clips, and interactive activities.
As our commitment to education, SAVIS continually works with community members in developing new presentations and workshops that meet the needs of our community.
For more information on the Education Program, or to book a free presentation for schools and youth programs please contact:
Tele: 905-875-1555